Fit Busty and Mature
From: Ruff
2 months ago
100% (0 votes)
FTV Milfs
Hi guys, it's Alexis Malone...I've got some questions here to answer from Ruff to tell you guys a little bit about myself, so here goes! I am white but I have sort of a mutt mix of heritage. In a lover I like a real man with a kiny side. Successful guys who are confident but hoenst with me. When I masturbate I think of different things, but mostly being tied up. thats really hot to me! No real special talents other than I give really good blowjobs! Well i guess you could consider my love of helping people a talent. I really like to do that. Im training to be a therapist for people with addictions. Its near and dear to my heart so i think that would be a really cool job after porn. i cant wiggle my ears! lol