Ray of Sunshine

From: Ruff
2 months ago 2,146 01:37
100% (0 votes)
Channel: FTV Milfs 190

Hi guys, it's Alexis Malone...I've got some questions here to answer from Ruff to tell you guys a little bit about myself, so here goes! I am white but I have sort of a mutt mix of heritage. I was raised... differently I guess you could say. I dont want to go into that too much. If I were a mom which i hope to be one day, I would be very controlling ha! thats just how I am. Just because I would love my kid so much, thats all. I lost my virginity it about 8th grade I think. My boyfriend and i were at some bonfire in the woods and it just happenend! We snuck off behind this guys truck and just went for it. It hurt at first of course, but it was worth the rush. I felt really cool that i had done it. He was older than I was so it wasnt his first time. Right after that was my first experience with a girl. I would trick my girlfriends into having kissing practice for our boyfriends but really i was just into them! In a lover I like a real man with a kiny side. Successful guys who are confident but hoenst with me. When I masturbate I think of different things, but mostly being tied up. thats really hot to me! No real special talents other than I give really good blowjobs! Well i guess you could consider my love of helping people a talent. I really like to do that. Im training to be a therapist for people with addictions. Its near and dear to my heart so i think that would be a really cool job after porn. i cant wiggle my ears! lol

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